AWS Load BalancingCloudAWS Load Balancing Docker Hosts and Pain with HTTPSIn my continuous effort to make my setup as redundant as possible, the next step is to add a load…Frederik BankeJune 30, 2018 4 min
Wordpress 100msCloudWordpress Load times below 100msTo improve the load time from the previous article , we must look to caching. I have always been…Frederik BankeJune 17, 2018 5 min
Let's EncryptCloudLet's Encrypt Self-contained Inside DockerThis article extends the setup explained in the previous article Briefly, the setup consists of a…Frederik BankeMay 30, 2018 3 min
Productivity BoostCloudOptimal Deployment Environment for Productivity BoostYour deployment environment is a tool that should be sharpened to allow maximum productivity. I have…Frederik BankeMay 25, 2018 5 min
Nginx Let's EncryptCloudSetting up HTTPS on Nginx Using Let's EncryptThere are many reasons for running a website on HTTPS instead of the regular HTTP. One reason is…Frederik BankeMay 06, 2018 5 min
Docker Setup - Part 7CloudDocker Setup - Part 7: Monitor Uptime / Status PageWhen running a blog or webshop, uptime monitoring becomes essential. We usually do not visit our own…Frederik BankeApril 04, 2018 4 min